Perennials are plants that will come back for more than two years. We have some in stock that are blooming right now! Keep in mind that each plant comes in diverse varieties.
False Forget-Me-Not

Beautiful foliage and blooms
Forms a mound of heart-shaped silver leaves with green veins
Bright blue flowers
Stays low to the ground
Only use in areas that stay consistently moist to prevent foliage desiccation
Great for shaded areas
Can tolerate partial sun
Height: 14”
Width: 30”
Blooms: Late Spring
Zone: 4
Deer resistant
Good cut flowers

Giant blooms
Fragrant flowers
Comes in many different colors
Requires full sun
Over 30 known species
Height: 1ft -3ft
Width: 2ft -3ft
Blooms: Late spring - early summer
Hardy to zone 3
Can be grown in hardiness zones 3-8

Delphinium elatum
Good cut flowers
Huge stalk of purple/blue flowers
Repels deer and rabbits
Attracts hummingbirds, bees and butterflies
Height: 1ft -3ft
Width: 1ft -3ft
Blooms can be blue, purple, red, white, pink or yellow
Bloom in early summer and often again in early fall
Full sun to partial shade
Native to eastern North America
Hardiness zone 3-7

Euphorbia ‘Bonfire’
All season color
Foliage first emerges green but quickly turns maroon-red with blazing reddish-orange tips
Bright chartreuse-gold bracts
Height: 12”-18”
Width: 36”
Blooms: Spring
Hardy To: 7,500’
Zone: 5

Astilbe japonica
Attracts butterflies
Repels deer and rabbits
Full to partial shade
Hardiness zone: 4-8
Make for lovely cut flowers
Height: 1ft -3ft
Width: 18in -30in
Come in purple, red, white and pink varieties
Blooms last for 2-3 weeks near the beginning of summer, depending on the variety

Clematis occidentalis
Large blooms
Several different color options
Vigorous growth habit
Vining plants grow well on a trellis
Consistent flowering
Repels rabbits and deer
Attracts hummingbirds
Hardy in zones 4-9
Height: 3ft -8ft
Width: 3ft -20ft depending on variety

Hosta Tratt. – plantain lily
Big, attractive leaves
Height: 6in -12in
Width: up to 8ft
Partial sun/shade
Requires regular watering, especially before the plant is established
Attracts bees and hummingbirds
Come in a large variety of leaf colors
Some varieties have variegated leaves
Common bloom colors include purple, white and pink
Hardiness zone 3-9
Candy Tuft
Masses of flat white flower clusters on evergreen foliage
Lightly prune after flowering
Drought tolerant
Height: 6”-8”
Width: 12”-24”
Blooms: Spring
Hardy To: 8,000’
Zone: 3
Full sun
Attracts butterflies
Beneficial for bees
Rabbit and deer resistant
Good cut flowers
Coral Bells

Good for shade
Unique purple and yellow foliage
Height: 1ft -2ft
Width: 1ft -1.5ft
Native to North America
Attract hummingbirds
Good for small spaces
Attractive cut flowers
Drought tolerant
Deer resistant
Hardiness zone 4-9
Bearded Iris

Iris germanica
Many color variations
Hundreds of varieties
Some bloom in the spring and the fall
Make for lovely cut flowers
Hardy to zones 3 -10
Height: 1ft -3ft
Width: 6in - 2ft
Prefer full sun but can tolerate partial shade
Bulbs are easy to divide for planting elsewhere
Very drought tolerant
Are easy to care for and require minimal attention

Black-purple foliage has crinkly texture
Forms a thick carpet quickly
More sun tolerant than other Ajugas
Height: 4”-6”
Width: 12”-18”
Blooms: Spring
Foot traffic: 1-2 times /Week
Hardy To: 8,000’
Zone: 3
Varieties available for full sun, partial sun or full shade
Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
Beneficial for bees
Deer Resistant

Sulfur yellow flowers
Silver-grey fragrant foliage
Clump forming
Height: 24”
Width: 18”-24”
Blooms: Summer
Hardy to 9,000’
Zone: 3
Full sun
Attracts butterflies
Deer and rabbit resistant
Good cut flowers

Gaillardia aristata
Long bloomer
Attracts bees
Repels deer and rabbits
Height: 2ft -3ft
Width: 1ft -2ft
Hardiness zone: 3-10
Native to North America
Drought tolerant
Full sun
Bloom early-mid summer
Ground cover plant
Annual flower, however they re-seed themselves and come back year after year

Pastel flowers are pink, red, blue & white
Compact habit
Drought tolerant
Height: 8”
Width: 6”-12”
Blooms: Spring
Zone: 3
Partial shade to full sun
Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
Beneficial to bees
Deer and rabbit resistant
Good cut flowers
Colorado’s state flower
Spring bloomers
Re-seed readily
Good for naturalizing
Low maintenance
Basket of Gold

Loads of bright golden yellow flower
Forms a low bushy mound of grey–green foliage
Good along borders
Cut back after flowering
Height: 8”-12”
Width: 12”-23”
Blooms: Spring
Zone: 4
Full sun
Attracts butterflies
Beneficial to bees
Deer and rabbit resistant
Purple Coneflower

Echinacea purpurea
Repels rabbits and deer
Attracts bees
Blooms in the summer
Thrives in full to partial sun
Drought/heat tolerant
Hardy to zones 5-9
Height: 1ft -3ft
Width: 1ft -2ft
Native to eastern North America
Very pollinator friendly

Good cut flower
Attracts humming birds
Repels deer
Hardy to zones 3-8
Blooms in early spring through early summer
Height: 1ft -3ft
Width: 1ft -1.5ft
Blooms can be blue, purple, red, white, pink or yellow
Full sun to partial shade
Attracts bees and other beneficial insects
Blue lupine is native to the continent and can often be found growing wild in the mountains

Coreopsis lanceolata
Long bloom time
Are known for their yellow, daisy-like flowers
Can be red, orange, pink or yellow
Native to North America
Hardy in zones 4-9
Height: 1ft -2ft
Width: 1ft -3ft
Deer resistant
Drought tolerant
Beneficial to butterflies
Low maintenance
Make for lovely cut flowers
Wall Flower

Great for rock gardens & borders
Good in crevices
Drought tolerant
Height: 1”-2”
Width: 12”
Blooms: Spring
Foot Traffic: 1-2 times/Week
Zone: 4
Sweet Woodruff

Galium odoratum
Whorls of attractive lance-shaped green leaves
Clusters of tiny white flowers
Great groundcover under trees
Height: 6”-10”
Width: 12”
Blooms: Summer
Hardy To: 8,000’
Zone: 4
Partial sun to shade
Beneficial for bees
Deer resistant
Bleeding Heart

Classic shade plant
Early bloomers
Comes in white, red, pink flowers
Some have yellow or fringed leaves
Height: 6in -12in
Width: 1ft -3ft
Will thrive in hardiness zones 3-9
Deer resistant

Good for wet areas
Attracts butterflies
Height: 1.5ft -3ft
Width: 1.5ft -2.5ft
Native to eastern United States
Grow in a clump
Partial shade
Requires moist but well-draining soil
Hardiness zone 4-9

Salvia officinalis
Long-lasting blooms
Repels deer and rabbits
Drought tolerant
Bloom in late spring
Height: 1ft -3ft
Width: 1ft -3ft
Will re-bloom in fall if faded blooms are cut back in early summer
Grow in a mound shape
Hardy in zones 3-8
Shasta Daisy

Leucanthemum × superbum
Hybrid flower developed in the late 1800's
Attracts butterflies and bees
Long bloom time
Good cut flowers
Height: 3ft -4ft
Width: 2ft -3ft
Hardy to zones 5-9
Pollinator friendly
Deer resistant
Low maintenance
Full sun to partial shade
Balloon Flowers

Platycodon grandiflorus
Unique, balloon-like buds
Flowers come in blue/violet, pink and white
Make for lovely cut flowers
Summer blooms
Low maintenance
Height: 6in -3ft
Width: up to 1ft
Hardiness zone: 4-9
Full to partial sun
Attracts birds
Deer resistant
Once established they can tolerate short periods of drought
Creeping Phlox

Lavender– blue flowers
Forms a blanket of bright green foliage
Great for slopes or edging
Height: 4”-6”
Width: 12”-18”
Blooms: Spring
Hardy To: 9,700’
Zone: 2
Full sun to partial shade
Attracts butterflies

Forms low mound w/ rich-pink flowers
Flowers resemble summer phlox
Long bloomer
Cut back after blooming to encourage repeat blooms
Height: 16”-18”
Width: 10”-12”
Blooms: Summer
Zone: 4
Full sun to partial shade
Attracts butterflies
Beneficial for bees
Good cut flowers