The most natural way to keep your garden free of pests is to encourage the balance between good and bad insects. Lady beetles (because they are beetles, not true bugs) may look sweet and innocent, but they’re known as fierce predators. They will eat hundreds of aphids, mites, and other small insects. Look for the larval stage: it resembles an alligator with three prominent sets of legs.

If you have an aphid infestation, release live ladybugs to take care of business. Ladybugs will stay in an area as long as there are pests for them to feed on, and in most cases, they can easily handle a large infestation of a number of different pests. Using ladybugs to address your pest problem is also ideal as it avoids you having to use harsh pest control chemicals that kill the beneficial insects as well as the undesirable ones.
Here are some tips for when and how to release your ladybugs. Pre-fed packages of happy, healthy ladybugs can be purchased in-store and online, so check it out today!
Water your garden lightly in the evening, then release the lady beetles. They will be thirsty and need a drink, and they won’t fly away at night.
Release them on and near plants with aphid infestations. If there is enough for them to eat, they will stick around and lay eggs.
Don’t use any chemicals and use organic pest control sprays responsibly. Keep it organic and safe for lady beetles and other beneficial insects.
If you ever have any questions, feel free to fill out a contact form or you can give us a call anytime!