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9 Ways to Decorate for the Fall Season: 2023 Fall Décor Ideas

Writer: Kassi KuppingerKassi Kuppinger

At Bath Garden Center, we have everything you need to decorate for the fall season! Whether you are looking for ways to decorate your front porch, dining room, or any other area in or around your home, we've got you covered. We have fall flowers such as mums, pansies, and sunflowers, fun ornamental cabbages, hay bales, corn stalks, lanterns, twinkle lights, tons of pottery, and countless pumpkins and gourds in all sorts of different shapes, sizes, and colors. To help you get inspired, we've put together a few fun and easy fall decorating ideas that require minimal time and effort!

Fun Fall Decorating Ideas

1. DIY Stacked Pumpkins

Cinderella pumpkins are fairly flat on the bottom, making them a great base for a pumpkin tower! Stack up varying sizes and colors to provide some height difference in your display. You can mix in different kinds of pumpkins too, starting with the Cinderella pumpkins and leading up to wolf pumpkins or pie pumpkins on the top for a nice plump and round finish! Frame your front door with your pumpkin towers or place them in and around your mums, corn stalks, and other fall decorations. Have old flowerpots that are not in use? You can even use these to get a little extra height and stack your pumpkins on/inside of unused flowerpots! Add some flowers or whisps of hay in between each pumpkin for some added color and texture.

2. Decorate Your Stairs with Pumpkins and Mums

Another fun and easy way to decorate for fall is by simply arranging pumpkins and mums (or other potted annuals such as pansies) along any steps you might have up to your front porch! There is no way you can go wrong with this, and about a thousand ways you can make this simple idea unique and beautiful. With the huge variety of mums that we have in stock at the Garden Center, and with all the different shapes, sizes, and colors of pumpkins, your options are endless! Another great thing about this fall decorating idea is that it can be as simple or intricate as you want. Keep it mellow with just a pumpkin or two, or go crazy with multiple pumpkins, gourds, mums, lanterns, corn stalks, and more!

3. Add Houseplant to Your Pumpkin Arrangements

If you are a houseplant lover, another fun and easy way to decorate for fall this year is by adding some fun pumpkins or gourds to your indoor houseplant displays. You can hollow out small gourds to make little planters for your favorite succulents, or you can bring your croton or ivy outdoors to add some visual interest and color variation to your pumpkin arrangements. Whether indoors or outdoors, this decorating idea leaves you with so many options! If you choose to bring any of your houseplants outdoors, just don't forget to bring them back inside overnight or on colder days, as any temperatures below 65 degrees Fahrenheit can shock your plant or cause irreversible damage.

4. DIY Fall Harvest Wagon

Find an old wooden wagon at an antique store, head to a thrift store, or check out your local craft store for some fun options. You can also simply pull out your wheelbarrow or find your kids' old toy wagon. Fill whatever you find with your choice of hay, pumpkins, fall annual flowers, decorative kales and cabbages, mums, ornamental grasses, or whatever else your heart desires! This is yet another fall decorating idea that is easy to put together and can be as ornate or as simple as you want it to be.


5. Make A Pumpkin Garland

Hang them either one by one, or string them together to make your very own pumpkin garland! Jack be little pumpkins or mini pumpkins would work great for a decorating idea like this, as they are some of the smallest varieties of pumpkins! String them between plants, let them hang from the porch ceiling, or drape them along your fencing. Use plain old string, or spruce things up in your own way with decorative ribbon, twine, or yarns! Add burlap bows, flowers, or paint your pumpkins in alternating colors. Again, the options are endless!!

6. Carve Your Pumpkins with Fun Patterns

Who said pumpkins have to look scary?? Get creative with your carving, and instead of weird or contorted faces, try cute and fun patterns or designs! Carve several pumpkins in this style of varying shapes and sizes and use them along your walkway as lanterns, set them on your stairs to light the steps, or use them in your home as fun and trendy fall décor!

Carve pumpkins

7. Paint Your Pumpkins or Use Stickers

Instead of carving, try painting, drawing, or stickers! You can put as little or as much effort into this as you want. Buy a couple of cans of fun metallic spray paint and simply paint your entire pumpkin one color. Do this with several colors for some fun variety! You could also buy some acrylic paints and have fun painting a face on your pumpkin. Or, if you are really looking for a simple, quick, and cost-effective option, grab the sharpie out of your craft bin and scribble on a quick face or decorative design. Some craft stores even have jack o'lantern stickers that you can simply peel off and stick on! We also have some adorable and unique picks that are sure to bring some personality to any pumpkin.

8. Create Vases, Planters, or Bowls out of Your Pumpkins

Here is a fun idea for all of you fall flower lovers. Whether it's mums, ornamental cabbages, or pansies, turn your pumpkins into pots! Start by cutting a hole in the top of your pumpkin, clean out the inside of the pumpkin, then cut a small drainage hole in the bottom. Now you can plant your flowers directly in the pumpkin! Keep in mind your flowers may not need as much water as normal since the pumpkin's walls are thick and moist. If you don't want to plant your flowers directly in the pumpkin, you can always place your flowers in the gutted pumpkin in their plastic grow container or in another container of your own that will fit inside the pumpkin. And again, don't limit your creativity with this! Add any sort of flowers or foliage, cut, dried, fake or real. One pro tip we have to share: if you are going to use cut or fake flowers, pick up a small foam cube from your local craft store. After you gut your pumpkin, you can put the foam inside the pumpkin and stick the items of your choice in the foam. This will keep them in place and looking good for as long as you leave them out on your porch!

 turn your pumpkins into pots

9. Decorate with Gourds

With all of the fun and unique shapes, colors, textures, patterns, and sizes that gourds come in, it's hard to just get one or two of them. Many of you probably end up with anywhere from five to fifteen different wonky-shaped gourds following your visit to the pumpkin patch. If you are looking for a clean, simple, easy, AND pretty way to display them, look no further than your kitchen cabinets. Find that old, clear glass vase you never use and fill it with gourds! This could be done with really any large glass container. Stack your gourds one on top of the other in a tall, cylindrical vase, or fill a fun and uniquely shaped glass bowl or urn for a simple and easy way to display your collection of gourds! This is just one out of a million different things you can do with your gourds.

Shop Our Collection of Fun Fall Décor Today!

These are just a few ideas for ways you can decorate the interior and exterior of your home for the fall season, but there are so many more ways to decorate, ideas to share, and fun to have! So, come into Bath Garden Center today to check out all of our fall decorations and gain some inspiration from our beautiful fall displays. Whether it's pumpkins, corn stalks, hay bales, autumn flowers, or other seasonal decorations, we have it all. See you soon!

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